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All elements were grouped into a single massive sheet metal case; overall, the PET’s weight was about 25 pounds. As usual for many computers of the time, the PET included, along with a minimal Operating System, a programming language pre-installed in ROM: it was a version of BASIC

Los bichones malteses saben muy bien cómo hacerse comprender. El motivo es que llevan junto a nosotros miles de añESTES y se han amoldado, gracias a su increíble inteligencia, a nuestros hábitos y costumbres

You are purchasing a product with Veterinary Medicines Regulation, please, confirm the type of animal you will be giving this licensed product to This product is for:

Although the machine was fairly successful, there were frequent complaints about the tiny calculator-like keyboard, often referred to as a "chiclet keyboard" because the keys resembled the gum candy. This was addressed in upgraded "dash N" and "dash B" versions of the 2001, which put the cassette tape recorder outside the case, and included a much larger keyboard with a full stroke motion.

It was painted gold and could be seen in Captian Kirk’s living quarters.Same clothes, same hair, same PET… this appears to have been taken at the same time as the ad next to this one.

The design of the computer case itself has more than a superficial resemblance to the futuristic video phone with which Dr. Floyd calls his daughter in Kubrick’s film.

Este comedouro inteligente possui ainda Muito mais recursos, Têm a possibilidade de ser controlado por smartphone ou tablet. Tem uma câmera frontal de que você Têm a possibilidade de ver seu gatinho se alimentando.

Commodore C710 – The rare 710 was part of the CBM-II line C= developed in the mid 1980’s as a successor to the original Commodore PET. This computer was state of the art. It contains a 6509 processor, which allows for access of up to 1mb of ram in a unique ‘banking’ method – much more advantageous than the 6502 banking schemes. It also it contains a SID sound chip – highly unusually for what was billed as a business machine! The CBM-II models were Commodore’s last effort to capture the business market with it’s superior proprietary technology.

De acuerdo con la ley del 8 por diciembre por 1992, puedes acceder a la base do datos qual contiene tus datos personales y modificar esta información en cualquier momento, ponifoindote en contacto con Red Link To Media SL ([email protected])

La transición a partir de el destete do tu cachorro a la comida sólida no debe ser un cambio por la noche a la mañana, sino de que debe tener lugar en el transcurso do dos a tres semanas.

Adicionalmente, ao colocar comida unicamente uma vez por somana, não terá controlo Derivado do a quantidade que este animal ingere; se come muito ficara rapidamente desprovido comida para este resto dos tempo e se comer pouco a ração acabará por perder a excelência.

ya les estacionaestaficafixa jazepararpermanecequedan saliendo sus dientes y toco cortarles las uñas por qual tenían muy lastimada a la mami, y pues algunos han empezado a tomar agua del tazón de su mamá ¿no hay ningún problema si toman agua, y me recomiendas darles leche de tarro para perros para complementares el alimento ? ademas me preocupa qual cada vez con contudo frecuencia la perra se aleja do ellos para no alimentarlos. y siempre parecen tener hambre los chiquitines. ¿ es normal ?

a keyboard including a separate numeric pad (almost completely unheard of at the time, even as clique aqui an option)

Let your pups eat in style with a raised dog feeder. This tutorial leads you step by step through the process with a few notes on what NOT to do! Using some old barn wood, a few stainless steel bowls, and galvanized pipe, you can easily create a one of a kind piece for the precious 4-legged family member in your life.

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